The Review of “Lords of the Flies”

Lord of the flies was written in 1954. In this novel it is shown that violence is built in our system, into our genes and in our blood, and that age has little to do when the innate violence would erupt. In this novel Golding is saying that most of us see the struggling for power , using any type of means whether it is wrong or right in the adult world of politics but what he saying is that this drive is latent in all of us, even as a child. The significance lies in the realization that any form of civilized behavior and organization is only possible when lines of command are laid down and discipline is maintained. In other words, man’s freedom has to be curbed and if it is not he goes back to state of the savage in the jungle.


An air plane crashes on a desert island. The only survivors are a group of school boys. No adults have survived the crash of the airplane on the island, so we are getting a glimpse at humanity at its purest or more adolescent state. The conch shell is the symbol of power and the boys elect a leader. But they also begin the mythology “beastie.” At first they enjoy their freedom and celebrate the absence of grown-ups. But the sense of disorder begins to affect then and irrational fears take over. Violence takes over, the group is broken up into factions, and each determined to wipe out the other. As the book progresses, the boy’s initial innocence develops into something much darker as they become “savages”.


The novel was good. In this novel the reality of life is discussed that freedom should be given to man in limits. If he is totally independent he creates disturbance in the society for the sake of power. He uses the wrong means for getting power. This is in the nature of man.


This 1954 novel “Lord of Flies” fairly directly states that human nature is violent and there isn’t any hope for redemption from or tendency to destroy all that is good in our selves. This view is , of course, the reason the Lord of Flies is so popular among teen agers . Although they often encounter the book first as a school-reading assignment, teenagers are pleasantly surprised that it offers a bleak assessment of humanity’s chances for survival, an outlook that echoes their often –gloomy world view. The novel can be described in one word that is brutality and it’s shown in the novel that the beast is in our own hearts. It brings out that despite the goodness of Ralph he too has seeds of violence. The participation of Ralph in hunting and killing the Pig shows that the beats is always present in all of us and human beings are beast by nature.

                                                              The Review of “Lords of the Flies”
When I finished the book I was feeling very sad because two innocent children died Due to the evil thinking of some students. But the novel was based on the reality of life. Whatever discussed in the novel was true.


The best part of the book was that when Ralph gathered the students with the help of conch shell and the students selected Ralph as their leader and decided to make some rules and regulations and to obey them. Another part that was really beautiful and gave the lesson of true friendship was that Simon and Piggy remained with Ralph till their death. They remained with the truth till their last breath. But the worst part of the novel was that when Jack and his gang killed Piggy and Simon very widely and the body of Simon was thrown into the sea. That part of book was really hurting. This shows that beasts are present in human beings.


The lord of flies is a study of human society, what makes it work and what makes it breakdown. Golding has chosen his characters to be young boys because this would help us in understand that the elements that make it difficult to govern, peacefully and democratically are present in us from childhood. Time and circumstances will bring out these out on the surface and destroy the cohesiveness of the society. The ambition to get the power leads to breakdown of the society discipline. This novel was a great success in his often been describe as a great study on the nature of evil and the form in which it is expressed in the modern society.
