My descriptive research on " Craze of academies in Lahore"


This research highlighting the reasons that tends the students to join academy due to which academies are mushrooming in Lahore. In this research, variables are identified which are affecting directly and indirectly the trend of academies. This problem has been defined by presenting the difference between quality of education in academies and the quality of education in school and colleges.  For this purpose we gathered data by using survey regarding students related to academies and applied empirical and conceptual analysis. In a general public opinion blames Government is responsible for these mushrooms.  This also creates the social discrimination between students that afford tuition fees and those who can’t afford fees. Government should invest maximum portion of budget to solve the problems of educational system.




The academies are helping the students to get better grades. The students who are going down constantly in class can get better position in class by getting admission in academies and the students who are always failing in the class can get satisfactory grades in class (Charles Cheow, 2010).

The academies are doing good business. Some students take academies throughout the year but some take academies when the exams come. Mostly the teachers of government schools run these academies (Jamila Achakzai, 2007).

Academies are becoming the necessity of students. They are becoming the part of our education system. The tutors in these academies charge thousands of rupees. This increases the expenditures and burden of the parents (Haya Fatima Iqbal, 2010).

Now, majority of the students become dependent upon academies. Self-study is disappearing from the life of students. Due to academies, majority of parents have become careless about education of their children.

Academies are spending much on the advertisement. Charts, banners and boards are pasted on every wall of Lahore city. Such kind of advertisement attracts people.

Some people send their children to academies to keep their standard up in the society. They send their children to the academies without noticing the advantages and disadvantages of these academies. So academies are becoming a fashion now-a-days.

Academies are creating discrimination in the society. Every one cannot afford the heavy fees academies. Due to this, the poor students are using illegal ways to become equal to other students.

The research carries great importance especially due to reason of increasing expenditures. In this age, people can hardly meet the necessary expenditures of life. Now, earnings are less and expenses are more. The major portion of these expenses is the heavy fees of academies. As the people want to see the bright future of their children so they provide their children with every common facility. They live from hand to mouth to meet the expenditures of this tough life.

All this is happening due to the increase in academies. Due to it, the aim of this research is to examine that ‘why the craze of academies is increasing in Lahore?’



This study focuses on a specific sector of education to understand the background of the problems ‘why students join the academies’ that lead to the emergence of these educational academies. The study therefore comes up with the process of highlighting the decision criteria to focus on certain aspects of quality of education that creates social discriminations among rich and poor. By this way we are able to sort the reason about rapid increase in the academies.



 Our research complete confined inside the boundaries of Lahore. This focused on the students of metric, under metric and intermediate. AS due to limited time we specified our research area like Icchra, Civil sectraite and Gulberg regions. As it is limited on education sector and further limited to tuition centers.


Literature Review


Mahtab Bashir (2010) has used survey based technique. He said that the tuition center can be found in every corner. These center demands a heavy fee from the students. Most of the teacher said that they cannot give equal time to each and every student in the class in which they are more than 60 students. The teacher association president professor Qasim Masood said that the only reason of such growth of tuition centers is the low salaries and lack of facilities to teachers.

Iram Saleemi (2010) has used descriptive analysis technique. She said that the academies are the big hurdle in bringing the positive change in education system. A Quality of education is different in both academies and proper educational institutions. In academies the medium of education is high class but in proper educational institutions, the standard of education is low. This situation creates discrimination between them. Mostly educational institutions are provided with negligible amount of funds, which are 1.5 to 2.5 percent of total GDP. So the Government should do something to solve these issues.

Daily time staff reporter (2010), has used the survey based methodology. The students join academies to get better grades in the nearer exams or any entrance test. Students consider these academies as the symbol of success that frees them from self studies. A school Teacher Nadia told him that students are responsible for mushrooming of academies. She addressed a harsh problem that some people that hardly did matriculation or inter they open up an academy at home for the students and cause wastage of time and money for students.


Yuman (2005), has used descriptive analysis technique. He investigate that earlier, only weak students join academies to pass the exams but now a day’s matter has reversed. Students who want to pass professional examination or any entrance test like MCAT, ECAT, PCS, FPSC and CPMT they must join the academy that express positive aspect of the center.

S.indramalar and Karen chapmen (2004), has used the descriptive analysis. According to them, most of the students join the academy because they search for short cut and these academies provide them extra tips, advices and important question regarding the exam. In the end, Government should make proper mechanism for the registration of this private institution.

Gillbert goh (2010), has used causality analysis technique. He said that due to these tuition centers students don’t have time for playing, which declines their social interaction among the neighborhood. As a result they lack behind to handle table politics.  An academy also causes health constraints among the students especially during exam periods. Those kids attend the tuitions; their parents should check their academic performance in a week.

Mark Bray (2010), has used descriptive and exploratory analysis techniques. According to him, in Sirilanka, many people protested against the craziness of tuition centers. The positive effect of the tuition is that they help in declining of unemployment level.

Tehreem Afzal (2011) has used survey based and causal analysis technique. According to her the demand of home tuitions is increasing day by day due to the low quality of education in the educational institutions.

M.N. Khalid Major (2010) has used causality analysis technique. He said that education is the big need of our society. Technology, business system and general global environment cannot change without change in the education system. According to the new research education is necessary for both social and economic development.

Bilqees I. Patel (2008) has used causal analysis technique. She has discussed that the trend of academies changes the attitude of the students in the class rooms and homes. In the past, students join the academies because of their weak subjects but now academies becoming the culture. The main reasons of increasing the demand of tuitions are the high strength of classes in mostly public institutions and teachers who are not able to handle the class efficiently. Due to this culture of academies students do not take class lecture seriously. So, all the institutions should focus on the quality of teaching in the classrooms and the parents should try to give attention to their children. (Bilqees I. Patel, 2008)

Research Methodology


The methodology that will based in a research involves the both techniques i.e. desk- based research and filed work. The field work research will include the visits of different academies, schools and interviews with students and fill up 50 semi structured questionnaires so to collect valid and reliable data. The desk based research involves the reading of books, web-browsing, contents and statements which are related to our topic of research. For the purpose of selection of academies and schools that would investigate, we used non probability sampling technique which includes convenience and judgment sampling techniques. It involves 50 students collectively from academies and schools in Lahore particularly in crowded regions... Then finding would be tackle down by feeding the data in SPSS and apply qualitative and quantitative tools to refine the findings (data). Then we will apply the empirical and conceptual analyzes on the refined data and compare it with our observation, literature reviews. Then quantify with our pre-determine relationship of variables.

However it would be survey, descriptive, qualitative and quantitative research. In fact it would be a multi-method research.










Craze of Academy in Lahore

  Table 1                            Qualification of Parents

Under metric


According to our study that 16 out of 50 student that goes academy their parent’s qualification is B.A and 10 out of 50 shows that their parents are under metric. Because they are not satisfy with education in govt. institutes

Table 2                              View of Parents

Encouraging you
Pressurizing you
Preventing you


In the above table parents of 39 students encourage their children to join academies and the parents of 3 students pressurize their children to go for academy because they think that the education in govt. institute does not fulfill the needs of the students due to which they are not get better position in the examination and their parents are prefer academy instead of schools.






This figure shows the affordability of tuition fee for their children. The blue portion of the pie-chart shows that mostly parents pays tuition fee for their children easily which is 72% of the pie-chart and the green portion shows that some parents are hardly pays tuition fee for their children which is 28% of the pie- chart because the parents of these students having no govt. jobs or any other side business. 

Table 3                      Strength of Classes

20-30 Students
Above 70


The above table shows that 26 students out 50 class strength lies in between of 20---30 and above 70.  While the other 24 students out of 50 class strength is in between the 30---70.  So most of the students studying in high strength classes.





      Table 4                                  Environment of Class


Suitable for learning





In our study 38 students out 50 declares that our environment of class is suitable for learning and rest of the students shows their environment of noisy   and congested it means it is not suitable for learning. So class environment suitable regardless of class strength.

       Table 5                           Attention of Teachers



In our study we take 50 students in sample size in which 40 students are agree that give them a proper attention during class lecture and 10 students give negative view in this regard. So strength of class does not influence on attention of teacher and this makes the environment suitable for learning.

       Table 6                                  Attendance of Teachers

Always attend the class
Sometimes absent
Mostly absent


In   the above table shows that 33 students out of 50 declares that their teacher always the attend the class which have positive impact on their studies. And rest of the students is not satisfied with the attendance of class teacher. So this situation   makes the environment suitable for learning and class strength does not impact on it.

         Table 7                    Additional material by Teacher



This data shows that 88% of the teachers provide additional material to their students in academy and 12% are not satisfied with this statement. So most of the teacher gives additional material in academy it may be slides, notes or guesses which influence on their class performances.



The above chart shows that 54% students agree that teacher provide those notes related to class lecture in academy and 6% agree that teacher provide them slides in academy. So most of the students get additional help from the teacher in academy which also influence on performance of the students in class.

Table 8


student's performance by joining academy
above 80%
less than 40%


This table shows that 28 % students agree that by joining academy the performance of the student’s moves up to above 80% and 4% of the students disagree with the statement that academies do not produce positive impact on their performances. So academies are beneficial for the students in terms of performance.



These pie-charts shows that 70% of the students have a book reading habit at home  and 30% students does not have book reading habit at home .So those who have book reading habit prefers to read course related books or novels. And 10% out of 100 prefers to read poetry at home and 22% students prefer to read all of these books. By reading books the creativity of the students improves.

Table 9                                Time for study at home:

4—5 hours
No time


In the table it is clarify that 34 % of the student which we take in our sample spend    2---3 hours for study at home and 16 % give no time for their studies at home. So most of the student gives time for their studies which lead to the better performance in the class along with joining of academy.

Table 10

Reason of joining academy
To get complete of teacher
Due to incomplete class lectures
Due to number of tests







This table expresses the reasons why student join the academy. What motive they have behind this? So 36 % students join the academy due to complete attention of teacher in class because student that have high knowledge get teacher more attention. But most of the students join academy due to incomplete class lecture or due to mock test session held in academies and their ratio is 64%.



This pie- chart shows that 98% students agree that academies are beneficial if they provide better education than institution it means that academies are beneficial if they provide quality education to the students. But 2% students are disagreeing with this statement that academies are not beneficial because some academies are just doing business.

  Chi-Square Tests

Level of Significance
Strength of class * Attention of teacher in class
Kind of  help by teacher * Students performance by joining  academy
Attention of teacher * View of parents regarding academies.
Parents afford tuition Fees *View of Parents
Environmental of Class * Are the academy beneficial?


Hypothesis 1:

As the strength of class increases the attention of teacher decreases

·        The value of chi-square for two variables that is strength of class and attention of teachers in class shows that there is statistically significant relationship exist between them. It means that when the strength of class increases then the attention of teachers decreases. So according to our data analysis we accept the above hypothesis.

Hypothesis 2:

As the teacher provide help to the students then the performance of the student’s increases.

·        In this case, the value of chi-square between two variables that is Kind of help by teacher and Students performance by joining academy shows that there is statistically significant association exist between them. It means that if the help is provided by the teachers in academies increase the performance of student in class and vice versa. The help may be the type of slides, notes, guesses. So according to our data analysis we accept the above hypothesis.

Hypothesis 3:

When there is appropriate attention of teacher in class then the    parent’s views are also positive regarding join of academy.

In this case, the value of the chi square between two variables that is attention of teacher in class and the parents views regarding join academy that is 0.85 so their  no statistically significant relationship   between them. So theory does not hold in Lahore so we not accept the above hypothesis.


Hypothesis 4:

Those parents who afford the tuition fees give positive views regarding the academies.

In this case the value of the chi-square between two variables that is Parents affordability regarding tuition Fees and View of Parents regarding these tuition centers shows that there is no any statistically significant relationship between them. Thus according to our analysis theory does not exist between these variables. So we reject above hypothesis.

Hypothesis 5:

Is the environment of class suitable for learning then academies is not beneficial?

In this case, the value of the chi square between two variables that is Environmental of Class and Are the academy beneficial? Shows that there is no statistically significant relationship between them. As the environment of class is not so much suitable for learning then it makes academies more beneficial for the students. So according our data analysis we reject the above hypothesis.

Conclusion and recommendation:

   We conclude our research on the basis of our findings given above.

          According to our findings mostly parents encourage their children to go to the academies. The qualification of most of the parents is graduation but still they prefer academies for the better studies of their children. The strength of classes does not affect the decision of students to join academies. Because we have found that whether the strength of classes is high or low, most of the students prefer academies. Attention of teachers in class and the environment of the classroom also not affect the view of students regarding joining of academies because most of the students get attention of teachers in class but still they go to the academies for some more attention of teacher. The environment of their classes is also suitable for learning but still they join academies only because they get additional help by their teachers in academies. Mostly teachers provide notes to the students in academies. This is the main reason of joining academies by students. So, the academies are beneficial according to mostly students and parents in Lahore.


·        Government should impose restriction on teacher to teach in an academy or open an academy

·        As these academies are in hundreds of number so government should take academies into tax net. So they generate revenue for government and proper number of these academies must determine


·        The institute where the teacher is teaching students must bound them to complete the syllabus on time. So


·        Parents must give proper attention to their children’s and their studies. And check their monthly or annually progress report. Ensure that their children give maximum time to studies at home.


·        In class teacher should give refine form of lectures like notes, slides so they produce better understanding regarding lecture and less number of student join the academy.


·        Government should provide more incentives to the teacher like increase in salaries, medical facility and announces scholarships for teacher children’s etc. so they not move toward the academies.


·        The teacher should give the equal attention to both weak and intelligent students so weak students may not left behind in the life of competition.

