          ( A Complete research study)


The sports students are the second category of students that comes after talented students.

The sports students are both mentally and physically active and fast. The universities of

Lahore (here GC University is concerned) admit students on sports basis but they cannot

Get their degree programs complete with the other students. Majority of the students, as a

Result, leave the universities and their degree programs remain incomplete. This report

discusses the problem of these sports students. This report is completed by conducting

questions from sports students of GCU Lahore. In the analysis of the questions, it is found

Those majorities of the sports students choose sports as their profession and do not focus

deeply on their studies. Such students remain weak in their studies with the passage of

time and their survival in the university decrease. They leave their degree programs

because they cannot study with keeping their sports at a single time. The sports committee

should provide facilities to sports students in order to protest their interests and to

facilitate them. The committee should financially support students in order to meet their

educational expenses. And provide the extra makeup classes of their sportsmen.



GCU sports department admit almost 100-120 sports students every year. But most of the sportsmen could not be able to complete their education or could not be able to get good marks in their study. They could not concentrate on their study and fail to complete their education.


 It is a primary research based on survey in GCU LHR. As per the data provided by the sports department, GCU LHR admits 100-120 sportsmen in both degrees programs and in intermediate every year. Prof, Khadam Ali Khan is the present director sports of GCU LHR. And he is a very hard working gentleman. He is playing the vital role in the promotion of sports. GCU LHR is providing the sports scholarship for those sportsmen which are good /outstanding in sports and want to study.

Statement of the problem

The focus of this study is to determine that why:

         Sportsmen get low marks in their study?

         They cannot attend the classes regularly?


Purpose of study

The purposes of study are as follow:

         Determine the problems of sportsmen regarding their education.

         Survival of sportsmen in Education.



The scope of this study is only for the sportsmen. The study is limited to the GCU, Lahore. This study can help the management to manage the time table of the sports students, so that they, can effectively run their both Sports & Education at the same time.


A survey is conducted using sampling techniques to ensure randomization in the respondents. It is decided that a sample of 13 (running + ex) sportsmen will be taken. The procedure follow include these:

         A question is developed that contained simple close ended question, check list question, and personal question (see appendix.)

         Teams for interviews are collected from GCU LAHORE.

         Interviews are conducted over a two-day period beginning on 21st June, 2011.

         Every available sportsman is approached for an interview.

         The data is entered with the help of Microsoft excel.

         The result is analyzed by the team of ABC Research Company and the report is prepared.



       Sports scholarship?

We have interviewed 13 people as our sample. All of the respondents chose for interview were sportsmen and getting or got sports scholarship because the focus of our study was to determine the problems of sportsmen in education.

       Is sports you hobby or profession?

The second question was about their thinking that how they take sports for their own. There were two option first one was hobby and second one was profession. According to our sample, 69% of students do sports as hobby whereas 23% do sports as a profession. But the 7% said that sports are both as hobby and profession for them.

       How much time do you spend on sports
The third question was about their timing that how much time they spend in sports practice. The majority of the sportsmen give approximately 3 hours a day to their sports practice which is 46% of our sample.  And 30% said that they give 5 hours a day to their sports. These are the peoples who prefer their sports on education comparatively. 15% said that they give 4 hours to their sports training and rest of the student give 2 hours a day to their sports training.

       Why do you do sports?

We need to know, why they do sports. The 46% said that they are doing sports just for their educational support and the 7% sportsmen do their sports just for fame. No one does sport just for the money but 8% said that they want fame and money. 23% of students want to enjoy all of these benefits.  Rest of

The students said they do sports for education and money. In that case they want to do something in the field of sports so that they can avail it.

       Is a sport affecting your study?

In response to our question, whether sports affecting your study or not?  84% majority of the respondent answered in yes whereas a 15% said that the sport does not affect their study.

       Is university providing you makeup classes to recover your course?

In the response of our question whether university providing you makeup classes or not? The 100% answer was in negative. The university does not provide the makeup classes to those students who participated in sports which causes the low performance of student in education.


       What do you prefer?
The seventh question was about the interest of students. According to our sample 46% students were interested in education. And 30% students showed their interest in sports and finally 23% of students answered that they are interest in both sports and education.

       Is GCU LHR providing all facilities to their sportsmen?
According to our survey, the GCU sports department is not providing well to their sportsmen. About 54% of respondent response negative about the facilities provided by the GCU sports department. . Only 7% said that they are availing all of the facilities whereas about 38% said that they are being provided up to some extent.

       What is the reason of your low percentage?
The results shows that the study of about 54% students effecting due to just tournaments and training camps, which means that the sports is very much effecting their study. 15% of respondents were weak in study whereas the rest of the students which are about 31% can’t give concentration to their study.






All the sportsmen students chosen for interview are from GCU LHR. And all were getting sports

Scholarship. Some of these has been completed their study session from GCU LHR.  Some of the

Running benefited students of GCU. We have interviewed 13 sportsmen out of which some are old

Ravians. Whether completed their session or not. The study found that the majority of students

Take Sports as their hobby. But not as their profession. They have to spend their time in sports

Training which does not affect their study but actually the training camps and tournaments affect

Badly their Education. More ever GCU LHR does not provide proper facility to their sportsmen

Students. And not even extra makeup classes to recover their course. In addition the university

does not have any Kind of time table to balance between the sports and education. Finally this

Survey found that their Sports manager should manage of sports of considering their education.


Conclusion &Recommendations:


Through the above data, it is found that most of the students are not getting success in their education. All the students have scholarships but the university does not provide extra make up classes to them to cover the course. Also majority of the students choose sports for their educational support but that sport affect their study a lot. They leave their degree programs because they cannot study with keeping their sports at a single time.


This report advises the sports director of GCU Lahore to provide extra make up classes to the students of the sports so that they can cover their studies. The sports committee should provide facilities to sports students in order to protect their interests and to facilitate them. The committee should financially support students in order to meet their educational expenses

